Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Injured owl

Then somebody did something to me. It doesn’t matter the details of what it was, but only to tell you that it was the kind of act, a terrible act of cruelty, that can crush lives beyond repair, that can cause horrible suffering and internal agony, that death sometimes seems like a welcoming option. And that something was done to me.
I was devastated. I couldn’t believe it. Where was God? Where was Jesus? How could this have happened to me? What have I done wrong? I started to doubt God’s love for me. My life fell apart. I lost almost everything I held dear. I felt like Job.
I spent a whole year being angry with the whole world, with every single injustice, plenty of which exist. I was raging. I was right in all my complaints, but nevertheless, it didn’t help being right a tiny bit. I wished I was wrong. I was angry with God, and still I wanted my relationship with Jesus back, the same sense of His Holy Presence in my home as before. I moved away from the town where I lived, but couldn’t find new roots… I didn’t hear the Holy Spirit very well either, and got plenty lost.  I was going down, but didn’t want to go down. I cried out to Jesus. I begged Him to pull me out.
I remember the day it started. I was deep in pain, feeling trapped in a deep chasm. And from what seemed like the bottom of that chasm, simply because there was nothing else left that I could do, I started praising my Heavenly Father from the bottom of my aching and scarred heart.
At first I heard nothing, but then I heard the Holy Spirit loud and clear, and it asked me a question. The question was: “Do you really believe that a heart that praises its Creator when it hits its lowest point can be anything but good?”
I knew that the answer was no.
“Do you really believe,” the Holy Spirit continued, “that a person who possesses a heart like that can end up a victim?”
I knew deep within my heart that the answer was no.