Friday, April 20, 2012

The Power of Forgiveness

In order for me to understand what I was experiencing, I had to understand forgiveness… and this is how the Holy Spirit explained it to me:
Limenitis arthemis astyanax

When someone hurts you, it’s as if they “score one” for Satan… God is not happy! In fact, He’s hurting. Firstly, he’s hurting for you, the injured party. Your pain feels like torture to Him. Imagine how we feel when our child gets hurt… wondering if there was something that we could have done… and now try to conceive how God, the omnipotent, must feel when one of His precious children gets hurt. There is no question about it! Your whole life can change because of this hurt and injury... God is worried about you, and feels the desire to comfort you and minister to you.
(At this point, I will not expend on the subject of why God sometimes doesn’t stop bad things from happening to us, but I’m sure to get back to it very soon. If you want to hear  about it, please, subscribe to my blog J)
Secondly, and harder to relate to, God is also hurting for the guilty party – a lost sheep that strayed away from its loving shepherd, its comfort and shelter; desperately trying to find its way home, its maser’s voice lost, drowned in the deafening commotion that engulfs it… running here, running there, following sounds and voices that sound like the master, and getting more and more lost… causing damage in its rampage in the wrong direction, head first, not looking back…
Someone breaks the spell…
And that someone is you!

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