Thursday, April 19, 2012

Speeding Down Memory Highway

For the next couple of weeks, Jesus helped me forgive every single person who had ever hurt me… It was an excruciating experience. I remembered things I had buried deep down, or even forgot… Everything had to surface! It was very difficult, to say the least, but I stayed obedient, and forgave each person intentionally, praying for them to receive mercy and grace.

As I was going through this process, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were ministering to me. Jesus came to me, firmly, yet ever so tenderly, and He asked me to open my heart up completely to Him, so He can enter and clean out everything within it which wasn’t intended by Him for me… All the errors, the hurts and the crimes which were committed against me by disobedient people, who didn’t follow His Will…. He wanted to wash me clean, with His eternal living water, from my very inside out.

I remember it as if it was yesterday. I confessed to Him with my mouth that He’s welcome to enter and do whatever He pleases; I didn’t want any of the pain anymore. I gave it all to Him. I held nothing back… I never used to hide anything from Him anyway, but this time, it was something different. He saw me entirely for who I was, unvarnished, all masks removed, and all walls forsaken…  For someone like me, who was sadly accustomed to disapproval and rejection, it was a terrifying step to take…

I felt His radiant touch within my deepest, most concealed chambers, lovingly caressing all those unsightly and undeserved scars and ministering to them. I was fully engulfed in His love. He saw me naked from within, and He loved me nonetheless.

It took a few days, but when He was done, I was reborn. Full of new insights and understandings, I emerged from my cocoon, where I had been, dead, for some time, and spread my new glorious, vibrant wings.

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