Sunday, April 22, 2012

The magic of forgiveness: Part 3 - Forgiveness is Victory

The third thing that happens, and the biggest mystery of all, is what happens to the person who committed the offence.

They hurt you, maybe even deliberately and intentionally, and you, as we saw previously, have responded with God’s Love, and freed them from the grip that Satan had on them regarding that situation. You threw Satan out of the situation, together with his lies and pretenses, and so you shed the light of truth on the very heart of the matter; and now, that person is standing, exposed to the light which reveals everything, before the one who can judge and condemn him, but instead of judgment – thy receive love. He who is forgiven – loves! The lost sheep is one step closer to finding home, and it’s all because of you!

Why should you care about that person? I'll get back to that... But for the meanwhile, all that matters is that you are victorious!

You have won!  You didn’t conquer or destroy your enemy; you made him not your enemy… Thou hast gained thy brother…

The vicious circle has been broken, and true restoration can now begin…

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