Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sharing His Love with Hebrew Speakers...

I find the song "Freedom Calling" by Jake Hamilton to be a very inspirational and Spirit-filled song. I felt so strongly inspired by it, that I even made a scenic video for it, and included the lyrics in English... I enjoyed the result, and wanted to share the message of this great song also with my brothers and sisters who are Hebrew-speakers. I translated the song into Hebrew, (I took some artistic freedom in order to make it rhyme as the original does, but I kept the meaning intact), and I created a new video, similar to the first one, but this time, I added the Hebrew lyrics..

I hope that the visual images, together with the powerful words in their mother-tongue will touch the hearts of at least some of the lost sheep of Israel...

Feel free to share it...

Bidding you all Shabbat Shalom - A Sabbath of Peace, in His Rest... Life is full of distractions; the more we do right, the more obstacles we encounter... Be still, and rest; life will wait one day... Spend your time with Him, to recuperate from the week's struggles, and rejoice in your victories with Him...

Always with love, and with a Holy Kiss,

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