Thursday, May 24, 2012

What do you do when people steal from you?

When someone steals from us, our immediate reaction might be to retrieve what was stolen or at least, to have the thief punished; but we know that Jesus taught us otherwise. In fact, Jesus taught us that if someone wants to steal our shirt, than we should give him our coat as well. Why?

Why should someone get away with stealing from us? Why should Satan get away with stealing from us?

I’ll tell you why; because like in any case of injury that requires forgiveness, demanding justice never bears good results. You don't know what a good search in your past might dig up… And you can be sure, there is nothing that can remain hidden, for all things done in darkness, will see the light of truth.  The trick is to learn how to turn every bad situation into a blessing. This situation is no different.

This is one of the secrets that Jesus told me, in the time when a lot was stolen from me. What you do is you give it to God, as a tithing. You turn everything that was stolen into a gift to your Heavenly Father.

and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also

That way, instead of suffering the loss of one portion, you have turned it into a multipliable blessing! God will honor your offering of one portion, as the scriptures tell us on numerous occasions, and will bless you with many portions for your obedience!

Don’t be fooled into feeling sorry for material things that get taken from you… Use it to glorify God’s name, and surrender it all to him… You will be blessed, not just for your obedience, but for your wisdom and understanding as well!

Wishing you, as always, all of God’s incredible blessings!

With a holy kiss,

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