Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The limits of God

I bet that when you looked at the title, you thought to yourself, “What are you talking about? God has no limits…”
And that is exactly my point!
God has no limits!
So why do we limit God?
How do we do it? Let me explain.
When we lack something, or need something, and we ask God for it, we usually start to “plan” in our heads the ways in which God can provide it. We think in human terms. For example, if we lack money, we imagine getting a better job, winning the lottery, or maybe getting some financial aid from people… But God is not limited to those means. God can provide in miraculous ways which we cannot even imagine.

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

So many times in my life when I needed something, and I prayed and asked God to provide it, and it just appeared as if out of nowhere.
There was a time when I needed to pay for something, and I couldn’t afford it, and as soon as I finished praying, I found the exact amount I needed lying on the pavement, right in front of me.
There were times when appliances failed to operate properly, and I prayed, asking God for help, and they were suddenly as good as new.
Just a few days ago, some extra money I needed for a trip appeared in my account as if out of nowhere. The day before it wasn’t there, and the next day it was, but no transaction was registered…
Why do we expect God – who created the world from void – to be limited to our human understanding?
God is God! And as God – He can do whatever he wishes to do!
Sometimes things look hopeless. We have a need, and we can’t seem to find a way in which to receive it.
These are the best times; and you know why? Because these are the times when we are truly going to see God in action…
When there is a hole in our lives, we must see it as an invitation for God to fill it up with blessings beyond our imagination…
Think of when you want to refurnish your house for example, first you must clear away the old furniture, and create an empty space for the new furniture… It is the same with God. Sometimes he wants to give us something so great, that he has to clear away some of the old “junk”, in order to make space for the new blessing.
So, if we know that God has no limits, let us be still; and when we have a need – we should praise God, and thank him for the opportunity to be blessed, yet again, by his abundant goodness and generosity.
Stay blessed, and stay tuned,


  1. Indeed Alpha is great for the greatest things he has done to many in life even now let me tell you a testimony that I have passed through difficulties such as torture and imprisonment but God was my instrument and non knew whether I could study but all in all he has made it for me that I have finished my first degree as you know Africa a degree serves much for people and even getting money to accomplish the journey has been hard but I have done it at last and will Go back to Sudan and look for some thing to do and the enroll for masters when I get the required amount. All these are done in the hands of the living one the Creator. I was imprisoned in a foreign country but came out in a period of 768 days leaving the pure nationals there but all these process had no physical lawyer but only God. Indeed God has no Limitations in aiding situations.....

    1. Amen, dear brother! Thank you for the encouraging testimony. Our God is indeed a limitless God, and His love for us, His children, is eternal. Stay blessed, and keep shining His light!
